Photography is an integral part of any business, but for those with products to sell it is imperative that the products are shot well to ensure customers that are unable to see the products in the flesh can get a feel for them and make a decision on purchasing based purely on specification and the photography.
A recent shoot for local LED lighting firm GlowLed has highlighted the value of good product photography as it has triggered a response exceeding the expectations of the business.
Arzhang Tahmosybayat of GlowLed said "LED Lights are not the easiest thing to photograph but we feel we found the right man for the job.
Philip provided Glowled with an excellent service, in keeping with our brief and delivered images quickly and efficiently. This has already significantly improved our professional image, helped with our PR/Marketing and we have since had numerous enquiries for our energy efficient LED lighting."
Arzhang went on to say that within 2 weeks of the shoot and incorporating the resulting images into their marketing the number of enquiries had significantly increased, the photography almost immediately paying for itself in sales and lead generation.
In todays market it is increasingly important to ensure that photography and marketing budgets are increased rather than cut. There has never been a more important time to effectively promote and represent your products and services to your target market.
To see how photography could help sell your services or products contact info@philiphunton
To see some of the images at work visit www.glowled.com