A recent email from a small business client, revealed how the images produced for his business helped him secure a major contract producing television advertising.
"I commissioned a series of photographs with Philip Hunton Photography to set the unique tone for marketing my Video Production business. Philip consulted with me asking just the right questions regarding my business and what sets it apart from others in the area. From this consultation Philip came up with a strong concept that really tapped into what makes my business different.
The shoot itself was fun and relaxed, yet focussed on capturing the essence of the concept. As well as capturing the main concept Phil was keen to experiment around the theme of the "one man band" which resulted in a number of other photos that were so good they became an integral part of my marketing.
Philip's photos were directly responsible for landing my company it's biggest contract to date, a television advertising campaign. When contacted by the prospective client he referred to the pictures on my website as the clinching factor for initiating contact. "I wanted someone who would turn up with all their kit, and do the job. When I saw that picture of you with all your gear, I knew that you were the guy!"
It's easy for anyone responsible for marketing to undervalue the power of professional photography, especially when it's easy to pick up a low cost multi-megapixel camera, but I would stress that it's not the camera that makes a good photo, it's the person standing behind it. The value I have personally got from the service provided by Philip Hunton Photography goes way beyond a pretty picture on my marketing materials. It is directly responsible for the growth and success of this one man band.
Richard Reay
Richard Reay VPS "
This is why Philip Hunton Photography exists, every success story, no matter how big or small is worth celebrating.
Richards website is www.richardreay.co.uk
If you would like to learn more about how the studio can help you please contact us: info@philiphunton.co.uk or 0191 2361017
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